Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year Whatnots

- Not Me -
Howdy folks and kin,

Surprise! I'm back and it looks like I'm back for a new year, so I reckon that there's good! I hope all y'alls holidays were gastronomical. I know mine were on account of my britches are too tight again and I'm back to wearin' my suspenders 'in loo' of my belt ... which seems to have shrunk some. Also, can you spell GERD? I can.

I know I ain't been around much, and thanks to all y'all what sent me some emails sayin' "boy, where the heck you been?" Well, I'll tell you folks, I had to go off and do me some real thinkin' on what's important to me in life and to get me some good ideas on what to do to overcome this here economic repression we've been havin'. To  tell you the truth though, after doin' much thinkin' ans scratchin' my noggin' I still ain't got no answer!

Still, as much as I love writin' and talkin' and goin' on 'bout this that and whatnot, the truth is I ain't got a pot a piss in ... and so I had to get me a real job! My food ran out and I was so hungry and I was fartin' cobwebs! That's right!

- Not Me -
The only thing is that good jobs these days are scarcer than hen's teeth! I asked around some over at the Jobline, and I got some lines on some occupational hazards. Of the slim pickin's what were out there, here are some job offers what I turned down:
  • Short bus driver for them New York Jets: - pretty boy QB Mark Sanchez got the job.
  • Grand Marshall for the King Orange Jamboree Parade: y'all seen the Orange Bowl lately? I ain't.
  • Turd wrangler for FPL's Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant: I may be wrong but I just don't think that atomic energy and outhouses mix well.
  • Porn star: - I didn't mind droppin' my pants none, but them folks wanted me to take my socks off!
  • Speech writer for Michelle Bachmann: - I'm a coffee drinkin' man,  and writin' gaffes ain't my cup of tea. Anyway, I think Sarah Palin's a lot hotter to look at, if y'all ask me, which of course, y'all didn't.
  • Rebar inspector for that there new Marlin's baseball stadium: - my Spanish ain't so good and I ain't partial to wearin' no blindfolds none.
Truth is there just ain't much call for an NFL prognosticator, songwriter, philosophisor or BBQ taster in these parts. So I ended up havin' to compromise my artistic endeavors and set out on my own, takin' a job as a busker ... incognito, of course. Even my 'sweety deety' Jolene, what went to stay by her folks for a spell, was a wonderin' where I was at ... on account of our snooty neighbor, Wayne King, called her folks complainin' 'bout the smell of our outhouse.

- Not Me -
Now before y'all ask, no, I didn't do no panhandlin' 'Naked Cowboy' deal, especially as my britches ain't much to look at. But I did do me some acoustic chicken pickin' and sang me the blues some. Some threw some pennies and some threw some dimes. One woman threw me her bloomers, but I suspect from their contents, she was just done a usin' them. I doubt it was a commentary on my singin' voice none.

For a spell I even fancied myself a freight train hobo like Woody Guthrie. I went lookin' for the old FEC Princeton train station near West Dixie, before someone was kind enough to tell me they done moved it around some and then tore up them FEC tracks! He was kind enough to give me ride over to A.D. Barnes Park, but I didn't see too much happenin' there neither. Eventually, some Tom Fool Julio came over and asked me if I was a waitin' on 'the Ludlum Trail' or what. I done figured out the rest, myself. Thankfully, the CSX belt-line is a still runnin', though trust me, limestone ain't as comfortable as anything Amtrak has to offer.

- Not Me -
Anyway, buskin' surely was a humblin' experience. It was one what gave me some new stories to tell and some new ideas for songs to write. So, y'all hang onto your wig hats on account of there's gonna be some new Jugmonger's music comin' down the musical pipeline this year ... just as soon as I can get my harmonicas out of hock.

Ok, my goals for the New Year? Well, I reckon I'd like to get back to doin' some song writin' and performin' with my Hootenanny band. My musical output last year was sorrier than a two-dollar watch. But I did I find out that our band actually made us some money this past year over at CDBaby, so I do want to thank all y'all what bought our album! Thank you kindly and then some!

As for this here blog and writin', well I'm gonna keep it goin' for a spell. I reckon there'll be lots to talk 'bout what with it bein' a political year and whatnot. I also suspect I'll write some more 'bout football and especially them Fins and their hunt for a new coach and franchise quarterback. And, as I wrote above, I think I'm gonna share some stories with y'all about my adventures on the road from time to time.

By the way, some jokers are goin' off half-coked sayin' this year is a gonna be apocalyptic and whatnot. Pay them no mind. In fact, y'all can tell them folks bible thumpin' 'end time' chantin' yahoos that Judd Jugmonger (that there's me) says them ideas are just foolishness. They can 'tell it to Sweeney' til' the cows come home, for all I care ... I hope.

As for NFL prognosticatin', well, I think I'm gonna hang up that part of my life. That is unless CBS comes a courtin' on account of Bill Cowher comin' down from that high cotton he's a sittin' in just to coach them Dolphins. It was fun and I really liked doin' that there podcast way back when. But it was a lot of work and the truth is that if there ain't no cash at the end of the train tunnel, well then I reckon I need to put my talents and time to better use. Know what I mean? I think y'all do!

My friend and song writin' partner, Jay Schwartz, told me I ought to think 'bout  gettin' my 'business interests' in order and stop worryin' 'bout websites and SEO and stuff. "Judd, you have to just focus on the creative side and stop thinking about who's paying attention, or trying to get attention" he done told me. I think he makes a lot sense, especially on account of Google Adsense done blown him off, too!

Judd Jugmonger Was Here
Yes sir, folks, if y'all want to read some really good writin' I suggest y'all check out Jay's Wooly Yarn blog where he does his exfoliatin'. He's got him a goodly way with words, some of them I don't even understand myself, but then that never stopped me from readin' ... or writin'.

Ok, that's it for me. If I got anything interestin' to say 'bout anything, y'all can read it here, so take a gander every now and then. In the meantime, here's some words of wisdom to keep y'all til' next time: "A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain."

Wishing y'all a Happy New Year and steady weather!
- Judd

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